Friday, August 30, 2013

Orange Mexican Blanket


It's been too dang long since the last time I wrote. This seems to be a recurring thing for some of my blogger people lately and I don't care for it one bit! So I guess I'll dive in to all the verbage that is stuck in my brain.


Summer came and summer went. It was a weird summer but a good summer. So much beach time and so much good friend time...
{pause} I have such amazing friends and what is so cool about them is that they are all so adventurous. I have a friend who traveled around Nepal and India, a friend who was teaching English is Cambodia, a friend who went to school in Hawaii and England, another friend who is working with YWAM in Honolulu, another friend who went to Africa, and another friend who is in Gutemala working with kids... gosh, the list just goes on and on. I seriously have the coolest friends. I love our adventurous spirits and how we can come back together and it's almost like nothing has changed and no time has separated us. We go right back into driving around town blasting music and trying to sing along while simultaneously waving at boys (who probably think we are crazy and who are probably right). It was such a gift to have them through elementary school and highschool and beyond. I am so excited to see them graduate and be nurses and teachers and get married and have adorable little children. (I'm a girl, deal with my mushy-ness.) Anyway, these friends are incredible and I am so thankful for them.


I don't think I ever really wrote about "my kids"... This is crazy because I literally was constantly talking about them and telling the funny story of the day. "My kids" are not really my biological children, but rather, they are the kids that were in my class at the after-school program I worked for this last school year. I had the fourth and fifth graders (and one third grader) and they were awesome. Twenty-eight little whipper-snappers everyday for ten months. Best job I have ever head, ever. These kids will forever have a special spot in my heart because they were with me through some very tough days and they always gave me a reason to smile and something to look forward to every single day. Somedays it was tough but it was always worth it. I love and miss those kiddos so much. "Go Giants!"


My next step is officially here. I leave on Sunday, September 1, 2013 for Honolulu and I will be working as the receptionist at YWAM Honolulu. Two of my really great friends are both living on the island already so I am stoked to see them. I am really excited to see what God does while I am there. Hopefully tons of time with kids that are in need of some love and administrative growth for my future career. (Plus some sunshine, salt water, and beach time would be nice.)


Can't wait to start writing more frequently. I'm really going to try to write at least once every two weeks.

Email me and say hi please!
rachaelandersen5 @ gmail .com

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