Tuesday, April 24, 2012


So easily we can just write and write and write until our fingers are numb. A child can write and write and write and make no sense because they are only writing letters (or sometimes just little squiggles). It is so easy to talk the talk. So incredibly easy.

It is so incredibly hard to live the life. Not just any life but, rather, the life that God has planned for us. A life that is so wrapped around Him, you can see nothing else. A life that sees amazing things happen. A life that sees so much beauty and love and courage and passion and (gulp) commitment. It would be so easy for me to get online and write some random junk down and be all, "Oh, I'm holy bla bla bla." and then just go out and live completely for myself (whatever that may mean.) 

People feel so brave through a computer screen. Brave enough to cut someone down with a swift click of the fingers but would they ever in a hundred years have the nerve to say any of what they so easily typed, to the face of the person? Same goes with our personal faith. 

We can go to our little Wednesday night Bible studies and talk the talk. We can brush out our hair for church on Sunday and smile. We can pray the prayers at dinner. We can whip out our Bible App and look up an encouraging scripture. We can go on the trips to Mexico and paint some fences. It's all so easy, right? Do what you're supposed to so you can do what you want to, right? Do the right things on the specified days and say the right things at the specified times and you'll breeze by, right? Well, from the outside you may look fine and dandy but let me just remind you of this well, let me remind myself of this: "Man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7)

He looks at my heart?

He looks at your heart.

He knows me better than I know myself. That is mind-blowing. Seriously. Mind-blowing. I am pretty sure everyone has said (or will say), "I just need to find myself." Well, He knows you and the only true way that you can ever possibly know yourself is by truly knowing Him.
I am easily distracted. He is focused on my heart. I want to be independent from needing anyone. He wants to use me for His great plans. I want to quit when things get hard. He is constantly pursuing me even when I turn my back on Him. I don't want to be vulnerable and open my heart. He openly invited me into His heart.

It's so easy to be comfortable with who we are and where we are and who we hang out with and what we are doing. It's just too easy. The path to destruction is wide but the path to Eternal Life is narrow and few will go. 
Few will go. 
I want to be one of the few that go. 

So I guess what I am getting at is this: Act how you want to be remembered as acting and love as you want to be remembered as loving because our Heavenly Father is going to know your heart with everything you do and every thought you think (no matter if it's Sunday morning or Friday night.) Live the Life. Don't just talk the talk or else you'll appear as a child writing those squiggly lines. Cute attempt, but they mean nothing.

Be encouraged to live (really live.)

This is written to myself more than anyone,

ps. This is scary posting to the World Wide Web. FYI