Thursday, December 12, 2013

Desert Sunsets

Plans change and lately they feel like they change quite frequently. I was supposed to be in the Philippines helping with the disaster relief efforts in Cebu but since I did not receive my money in time, I did not go. Wednesday night my team left me and Hawaii behind. We had our last base-wide worship night before they left and they took an offering for me and prayed over me. That prayer was so powerful. I remember saying, "If I didn't get anything but that prayer, it would be enough." I did receive some money from that night but still not enough to go, so I said my good-byes and off they went. They're all in the Philippines now doing great things.

Well, Thursday came and went and I was feeling a bit discouraged... I was wondering if I had just heard God wrong or was just wanting to go for selfish reasons and that's why the money didn't come in or why only a few people believed in me etc etc etc

Friday morning came and I was sick with a cold. I went next door for some coffee and ended up talking with a guy named Duke, who was visiting the base for a few days and we were talking about me not being on outreach and he said, "Maybe God is waiting for you to decide if you're supposed to go or not." BOOM. That was it. Literally a minute later I get a phone call from my attorney in California saying that my case from my car accident in February has been settled for $9,875.00

I literally ran around the entire base telling people I just got enough money to go to Indonesia! It was mahem in my brain; so much excitement and a little bit of congestion haha. After talking with my attorney, he told me that after medical bills and attorney fees I would actually get $3,200.00 which is two dollars more than what I needed for outreach fees and airfare. God is perfect and because my team won't be in Indo until December 20th, I got the opportunity to come home for a week and see my family in California. I feel so blessed!

Yay Jesus!


ps. It's good to be back in California... with In-n-Out and real Mexican food.