Thursday, March 29, 2012

Philippines Outreach Documentary

The whole time of my outreach to the Philippines, my lovely and amazing friend Daniel Benedict was diligently filming his little heart out in the intent of producing a documentary of our trip and experiences. After a long awaited presentation, it is finished! I was so blessed by this short-film and I was even there! I hope you really enjoy and are blessed by getting to see some of the images that I had the amazing opportunity to see.
 Philippines Outreach Documentary

Great job Daniel (my Japanese fiance)!


"When one door closes another door opens." -Alexander Graham Bell
Even though my hypothetical 'door' that I thought I would be walking through closed, I know there is another door somewhere even better than the one I thought was  the right one. It still sucks, but I have faith that He has something even bigger and better for me. Something more fit to my personality and desires and passions and goals. His plans are far greater than my plans.

Sometimes He even closes doors just to make sure you are focused on Him rather than 'the what' that He is doing. So therefore my new goal is to have my eyes fixated on His eyes... (hopefully His eyes lead me to another country. wink wink.)

Sometimes it's hard... but it's so worth it.

ps. Choose to walk in joy. I love you.