Sunday, October 30, 2011

Prayer Bike

Sometimes when you pray for things (like bikes) God likes to give you them. 
Why? Because He is a good god who likes to give us good gifts.

And then it was six weeks...

Many many many things have been happening this past week and so to keep you in the loop, I will describe these things with words as I best see fit.
First things first, prayer actually, truly, really does work. Being in YWAM restricts your ability to freely go where you want via transportation so, therefore, I have been praying for a bicycle since the first week of arriving here and as of Thursday I am the proud owner of a bicycle. God is good.
I have also learned some super foundational life lessons this week such as trusting people, confrontation (aka 'care-frontation'), guarding your heart is Biblical, and alone time is important.
Also, if you want to write me letters... you should follow those dreams and do it. I love love love getting letters and getting care packages and even getting little messages on Facebook. Any bit of encouragement helps, even especially prayer.
ps. I don't remember if I officially announced where I am going on outreach... I am going to the Philippines! We are going to be traveling throughout the islands doing many different types of outreaches that I will describe later on. So keep me and my team of eight (and the other teams headed out in December) in your thoughts and prayers! I head out on December 6th (so soon!). I am stoked.