Saturday, December 17, 2011

Fancy That!

The blog title/post is random, don't judge. I'm half sick, half sweaty, half missing people, half confused, half really really excited. Now I know that's a lot of halves but, I am allowed to do that because "through Christ all things are possible."
I thought you *insert reader's name here* would be missing my randomness this time of year. Cue sad Christmas music; I'll Be Home For Christmas maybe? Yes.  Now I will fill you in on some random thoughts going through my head right now:
This internet cafe is super sketch fest. 
I dislike being sick.
I want a hug from my momma.
My imagination is really good so, I "watched" Finding Nemo in my mind this morning.
Bread is going to make me fat. 
Children will be heavy to carry on the bus to Baguio...
I miss my music!
My bird friend (you better know who you are), I can't wait to hug you, twirl around the Tin with you, trade journals, then act completely crazy for 4-6 hours with you, then do some joyful crying.
I think I fall in love with people too easily. "Dang heart. Why do you love people so much?"
You might be thinking I'm crazy right now.
Now I'm laughing to myself. Yep, definitely crazy.
Ugly Christmas sweaters had better be in my future.
How many tiny children can sit on my lap while I type this? Seven?
What "clean" is to me now is nothing what clean used to be.
Cleaning lice out of children's hair actually makes me happy thinking back to it.
We are so blessed. God is SO GOOD.

Where I am in the world

Manila, Philippines

I am now learning about the typhoon and flooding in the southern part of the Philippines, I am safe here in more of the north near Manila. Thank you for your prayers! Please keep praying because those people could have easily been me or my team. Thank you again and I will try and keep you updated more on more specifically where I am. I will be in Baguio for the next three weeks, which is a large city where we will be teaching a Discipleship Training Week at the YWAM base there. Keep us in your prayers! 
-Rachael Andersen