Saturday, March 3, 2012

It continues...

Officially I'm back in California... but the awesome thing is that I still have things to blog about. The fire didn't just stay in YWAM or in the Philippines or in Hawaii or anything like that; God's glory is everywhere. Revival is happening everywhere. God is moving everywhere. It is so awesome to be apart of. Tonight I had a welcome home party and got to speak in front of everyone. Awesome. Sparks are being ignited. Flames are being stoked. Fires are raging, and it is awesome. Watch out world, this 'Revivalist Generation' is coming for you. Miracles don't just happen in the Bible Times or in third world countries, they are happening everywhere. It's so inspiring and so exciting and so awesome. It's just so awesome how when we ask God for opportunities to talk about Him, He gives them to us in perfect and better ways than we had expected. He is quite cool. Missionaries are everywhere. Mission fields are everywhere. We get to be the tools in His hands. How cool is that?! Watch out world. There are more of us coming...

Stoked and Ready,