Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Short and oh-so Sweet

Bautiful hearts have the most beautiful faces. That's really all I have to say.

Things that are good.

Our last day in Cagayen de Oro, we wanted to go zip-lining but our group of seven slowly dwindled down to a group of three, and the 'hour and a half' journey there turned into around 3 hours, and our riding of the zip-lines turned into standing in the rain trying to negotiate a price for a van. Needless to say, we didn't get to zip down that dang line. Oh well. We bonded and had a fun(ny) adventure. Plus! We went to Starbucks AND McDonald's! Then we we finally returned home, we were greated by the most wonderful of girls and ate delicious food, traded Valentines, watched a puppet show, had a photo shoot and then cried a little and ate some mango float. It was a good day. I rather enjoyed it.
 Happy Valentine's Day,
Rachael Andersen