Friday, May 4, 2012

Draw Me a Map

I just found out that there is a song called "Draw Me A Map" by Dierks Bently. So weird. Well, that got me thinking about my silly little blog and how God has really used it. It's kind of crazy because originally, I made this blog so that my momma and a few friends could read it if they really wanted to. I guess that didn't last long after my first post about my frozen shoulder getting healed (God's so cool.) because now there are people all over the world that are (hopefully) getting encountered by God's love and presence through reading my blog. "Hello United States, Russia, Germany, Egypt, South Korea, Malaysia, Serbia, Canada, Finland, Costa Rica, Japan, Philippines, Nepal, Singapore, and New Zealand! God loves you and wants a deeper and more personal relationship with you."

Then I started thinking about, "What the heck does 'Draw Me a Map' even mean? Really." I felt like this is what it means to me right now...
My life is a map filled with squiggly lines and colors and they don't really go to one exact point. There are a lot of various routes that lead to different things, I just have to trust which way to go. Let Him lead but don't be afraid to start the step out. If I just step out, He'll guide my paths. There just can't be that hesitation to make the step; be bold and be courageous warriors. Maybe also, I just realized, there is a map being drawn to all sorts of different people all over the world through this blog/ministry, and hopefully He is reaching you through my words. I really hope so. 
Proverbs 3 kind of goes with what I am trying to say about trusting God, so I'll summarize a chunk of it in my words, "Don't just trust Him with part of your heart or part of your plans, but with all of everything! Then it will be clearer to see which path to take because you are seeking His will and heart and can recognize what to do."

I hope my rambling means something to you.
Thank you for reading.
God still is in love with you.

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