Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Lasting Freedom and a Gold Ring

Lasting Freedom: Lately I have been worrying about what happens when I am finished with my DTS and worrying about whether or not this 'new me' is just a temporary high and I will just go back to 'normal me' after I leave. I have been quietly thinking about this and tonight I received a word of major encouragement. Tonight it was confirmed that this freedom I have experienced is a lasting freedom and all my crap won't be coming back because I am freed of it all! I will be able to use what I have overcome to talk to other people (girls in specific) council them and encourage them and help them with so many things and it's all because God has pulled me out of that pit by His grace and His love and His saving power. God is going to use me for His glory. Also! Joy. There was lots and lots of joy spoken over me and prayed over me... and I definitely got it.
A Gold Ring: On Sunday after church this week, I went to the beach with two friends (ya, it's still warm enough to go to the beach). The group that was supposed to be playing volleyball randomly wasn't there so, we decided to go to this secret beach and sit and watch the sunset. So we're sitting there when suddenly, I have to pee. Naturally, I walk down to the water only to be distracted by awesome beach glass! As I am searching, this weird thing catches my eye in the rocks and I just thought it was trash or something so I walk by but then, as I am walking past it again, I decided to pick it up. It turns out to be a crazy beautiful gold ring with three diamonds on it. Crazy, ya? Well, the cool part of this little story is not just that I found a one-of-a-kind, gold ring or that it fit me or that it was super interesting but rather the fact that I have been praying for God to do one of those insane miracles where people get gold dust on their hands for quite some time now. I am pretty sure this is the gold-on-my-hands-miracle I was asking for. Thanks God, you are pretty cool.

Love runs deep,

ps. I leave for the Philippines in two weeks!

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