Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Let's Play Catch-Up

Let me see, let me see.

Where do I begin?

September: These past few months have been a whirlwind of craziness. First, I buy a ticket and move from California to Hawaii. Within a week of decision-making and plane-ticket-purchasing, I pack my bags (two red suitcases and a trusty Dakine backpack), pack my room into the bed of a truck, move back to my parents' for a night, swim in a pod of dolphins, and fly over the Pacific.
Adventure begins immediately with the lovely Whitney and some Jack in the Box 99¢ tacos... all I can think is, "I made it. The adventure continues."
So as I'm working humbly in the office, I am hearing God say, "This is not all I have for you." and "Be My hands. Be My heart." Interesting... I thought I came here to work in the office.
Three weeks later I applied for the School of Missions and Evangelism and the next day I'm accepted. "Bali here I come."

October: "How did it turn into October?" Soon I will go to Kauai and sleep in a bag under a tarp and play with kids and swim in the ocean (which is literally my favorite thing ever) and help with numerous ministries already on the island.
God has been really speaking to me lately about so much and it is beautiful.
My cousin Austin is here presently and that is also great because he loves the water almost as much as I do... almost.
One assignment given to us this week was to write a "Gospel Sermon". I am working on knowing and being educated on who my audience is and creating topics directed to reach them and capture their attention in a way that is relevant to them. Fantastic.

-It's Rachael

Prayer Request: Financial provision so that I am able to go to Bali and share Jesus' love with the Balinese people. Let me know if you would like to help in any way.

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