Monday, October 3, 2011

It's not a vacation...

Wow. Don't let anyone tell you that YWAM is easy. Because it's not. It is seriously the hardest thing I have ever done. Physically it is exhausting. You wake up early but stay up late, you walk everywhere because you have no car, and you have tons of chores to do (but are fun if you are in an awesome group like the housing group). Mentally it is exhausting. There is so much richness in everything they teach us and every speaker seems to be overflowing with knowledge (I take pages and pages of notes each time). Spiritually, this is THE most difficult time I have ever gone through! God is scraping me clean and burning out everything and shaking away the dust and emptying me of everything I have ever known and stirred me so that I have no 'comfortable position' anymore.
When in YWAM, you are living so incredibly close to people that you either make life-friends or you get so annoyed with them that all you can do is try to love them. It's hard, don't let anyone tell you it's not. Therefore, be warned friends. So far YWAM is the hardest time of my life and the best time.
Love you all,

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